268 Packages

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horgand Horgand

JACK capable organ softsynth

6,264 users

transcriber Transcriber

Transcribe speech data using an integrated editor

4,224 users

sweep Sweep

Audio editor and live playback tool

9,905 users

freewheeling FreeWheeling

live looping musical instrument

6,535 users

qarecord QARecord

audio recording tool

5,573 users

sooperlooper SooperLooper

Looping Sampler

36,147 users

specimen Specimen

a MIDI controllable audio sampler for GNU/Linux systems

5,179 users

xvattr gxvattr

Utility to change Xv attributes

4,992 users

puredata PureData

realtime computer music and graphics system

35,209 users

qmidicontrol QMidiControl

Virtual MIDI fader box

3,823 users

bitmeter Bitmeter

diagnosis tool for JACK audio software

13,237 users

genpo Genpo

GENeral Purpose Organ

23,169 users

kaconnect KAConnect

Connection utility for the ALSA sequencer system

4,886 users

mhwaveedit mhWaveEdit

Simple and fast GTK2 sound editor

5,084 users

qmidiroute QMidiRoute

MIDI router and filter utility

3,961 users

ripoff RipOff

modular and intuitive GTK+-based CD-ripper

7,374 users

seq24 Seq24

Real time MIDI sequencer

33,764 users

galan gAlan

modular audio processing and synthesis system

5,129 users

qsampler QSampler

LinuxSampler GUI frontend based on the Qt toolkit

9,822 users

qtractor Qtractor

MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer application

3,890 users