148 Packages

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z88 Z88

Finite Element Analysis Program - runtime

647 users

ygraph ygraph Scientific Data Plotter

plot and animate data sets

2,390 users

xtide XTide Tide Predictor

provides tide and current predictions

3,812 users

spim xSPIM

MIPS R2000/R3000 emulator

2,486 users

xoscope Xoscope

digital oscilloscope

4,464 users

xmakemol XMakemol

A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems

2,584 users

xdrawchem xdrawchem Chemistry Editor

Chemical structures and reactions editor

4,976 users

wxmaxima wxMaxima

GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima

16,944 users

weka weka

Machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks

1,538 users

vym VYM - View Your Mind

mindmapping tool

23,680 users

viking Viking

GPS data editor, analyzer and viewer

8,793 users

viewmol Viewmol

A graphical front end for computational chemistry programs.

3,115 users

fastlink unknown

A faster version of pedigree programs of Linkage

1,764 users

ugene Unipro UGENE

integrated bioinformatics toolkit

555 users

tuxtype Tux Typing

Educational Typing Tutor Game Starring Tux

53,426 users

tuxpaint Tux Paint

A paint program for young children

66,478 users

treeviewx TreeView X

Displays and prints phylogenetic trees

2,490 users

tree-puzzle tree-puzzle

Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood

2,230 users

tree-ppuzzle tree-ppuzzle

Parallelized reconstruction of phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood

1,268 users

tkgate tkgate Circuit Simulator

Event driven digital circuit simulator with Tcl/Tk

5,630 users