51 Packages

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pympd pympd

Frontend for mpd in the style of rhythmbox and itunes

3,061 users

gbemol gbemol

Graphical frontend for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)

620 users

songwrite Songwrite

guitar tablature editor and player

8,014 users

xjadeo xjadeo

video player with jack sync

7,829 users

pygmy Pygmy

PyGTK client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)

1,442 users

ncmpcpp Ncmpcpp

ncurses-based client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)

571 users

quodlibet Quod Libet

audio library manager and player for GTK+

12,834 users

nxtvepg Nxtvepg

Nextview EPG decoder and browser

3,224 users

longomatch LongoMatch

video analysis tool for coaches

309 users

cynthiune.app Cynthiune

A free software and romantic music player for GNUstep

2,587 users

mpdcon.app MPDCon

MPD controller for GNUstep

785 users